Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Cooperotype Musical Archive

You might not have realized this, but here at Cooperotype, we take music very seriously. Maybe too seriously. Let's just say we're pretty much the best musicians in the entire universe. It's just science. Facts and science.

Click on a track title to listen to a sample track, or click and download the entire session.

2008-04-25 Gaelan Heads North without Us
Entire Session (10 tracks, 62mb)
Cassie Kirk, John Ngo, Kimmie Phi, Justin Rigamonti, Gaelan Sylvia, Carolyn Withers, Ben and Kelly Wright

2008-03-28 Because We Said So.
Entire Session (12 tracks, 87mb)
Mona Abdemona, Tim Beardshear, Gaelan Sylvia, John Ngo, Kimmie Phi, Carolyn Withers

2008-02-29 On Tour: Way Up in the West Hills
Entire Session (8 tracks, 67mb)
Tim Beardshear, Kimmie Phi, Mike and Erika Williams

2008-01-05 This winter hasn't been all that cold.
Entire Session (4 tracks, 34mb)
Tim Beardshear, William Le, Gaelan Sylvia

2007-12-07 Mike and Erika and Gaelan are Leaving
Entire Session (9 tracks, 76mb)
Tim Beardshear, William Le, John Ngo, Jack and Lissette Ollestad, Kimmie Phi, Gaelan Sylvia, Mike and Erika Williams, Ben Wright

2007-11-16 Mike and Erika bring over the wedding DVD
Sample Track - "SAPD vs. the Mexicans vs. 7-11"
Entire Session (4 tracks, 25mb)
Tim Beardshear, William Le, John Ngo, Gaelan Sylvia, Mike and Erika Williams

2007-11-06 Gaelan Day 2007
Sample Track - "Find your way home."
Entire Session (18 tracks, 150mb)
Tim Beardshear, Nathan Crowley, William Le, John Ngo, Kimmie Phi, Gaelan Sylvia, Mike and Erika Williams, Ben and Kelly Wright

Tracking Winter Fowl Across the Snow
William Le, John Ngo, Gaelan Sylvia

Tokyo, Japan 2007-10
Sample Track - "Shinguku Park - Morning"
Entire Session (3 tracks, 15mb)

demise at HMHP

Out of the Fish's Mouth

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate wipeing!